
Improving the influence of your blog...?

You may have detected from previous posts here, here and here that I'm doubtful of the influence of blogs. There are influential blogs, for sure, but finding them amongst the mountain of drivel is hard. And blog links are a crude and inaccurate mechanism for determining influence.

So I'm intrigued to see the emergence of a comment rating utility, SezWho. Basically, it's the same facility that allows readers to score the usefulness of a review on Amazon. "Was this review helpful to you, Yes or No?" In the same way, blog readers will be able to rae comments - "Was this comment helpful to you, Yes or No?" In that way, readers will be able to see who posts the most valuable comments.

I also think that commenters will think twice about what they say before commenting, thus improving the overall standard of comments. And thus the usefulness, and therefore the influence, of the blog should increase (all other things being equal).

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Blogger jitendra said...

Thanks Duncan for your words on SezWho...

What we are trying to do is indeed provide incentives for people to comment well and to reward good commenters.

We are really looking to build an implicit word of mouth mechanism for all blogs to get traffic via their commenters.


12:42 am  

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