
Is this true for your organisation?

A key part of Influencer Marketing (hint: it should be part of all marketing) is the connection with sales. This is typically manifested in marketing collateral, and I’ve enforced the mantra at Influencer50 that Influencer Marketing should be, first and foremost, a sales enabler.

Marketing and sales and so often disconnected. But how bad is the divide? It turns out, very bad. Two figures emerged from a discussion I had with a team of sales consultants:

  • 40% of a sales person’s time is spent developing their own marketing messages and collateral. Sales people don’t use the marketing department’s output.
  • 90% of marketing collateral never gets used by sales.

Remember we’re talking about collateral that is designed (allegedly) to support sales. It’s criminal.

Does it happen in your organisation? How do you know? What can you do to improve marketing’s usefulness to the sales team?

We’ve recently introduced a new standard component to our client engagements, called a sales perception audit. We survey the sale team’s view of marketing effectiveness, and then survey it again after our client has implemented an Influencer Marketing programme. The idea is to prove that sales is getting something more from marketing than before.

It doesn’t (yet) measure actual sales uplift, but we’re hoping to demonstrate a correlation between happy sales people (with useful collateral) and sales performance. Sounds a reasonable hypothesis.

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