The Book - update, case studies and reviews
The book's available for pre-order on various amazon sites. Because of the Christmas rush, we won't be doing much in the way of formal promo until January, though I am discussing some of the book's main themes at the CMO Summit next week, as an exclusive(!). I'm also at the Word of Mouth Marketing Forum in January.
One of the main features of the book is the use of case studies. We have twelve of them, and I've previously announced that Wipro, Adobe, Palm and Yahoo! are among them. I can now divulge that IBM and Nortel will also be included, along with several firms that declined to be identified for competitive reasons. More details on all the case studies is available here.
Finally, we're delighted to have had the book reviewed by a dozen or so CMOs and other notables. The book reviews are posted here, and will also feature on the book cover. We're really chuffed that so many took the time to read the draft and provide comments. Nick and I are indebted.
Labels: Influencer Marketing - the book