
Analysts influence, as measured by HP

HP's AR blog announces its research findings of its survey of what influences customers’ decisions to place a vendor on the short-list. Interesting stuff.

But note that while 55% of respondents say analysts do influence the decision, this doesn't not equate to share of influence. It might be that 80% of respondents think peer customers have influence, or that 100% think consulting firms have influence, or that journalists have no influence at all.

Unfortunately, they don't say who else also influences customers, or where in the ranking analysts come. I assume it wasn't top...

The only tidbit they offer is that bloggers and social network sites rank 11th of the 14 types. Go on, HP. Tell us the order of influencers. We'd all love to know.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the spirit of openess, the rankings are:
Experience with Vendor, TCO, Price
[statistically significant gap between top 3 and next 5]
Analyst Reports, Events, Vendor Internet, Analyst Verbal
[statistically significant gap between top 8 and rest]
Financial Analyst, Marketing Collateral, Blogs/Social, Media Coverage, Direct Marketing, Advertising

My peers also going to share their findings?

9:57 pm  
Blogger Duncan Brown said...

Many thanks, Bob, for posting this. Really interesting input into the debate on influence. The lack of perceived media influence is startling.

I also note the lack of consulting firms, from McKinsey to Wipro and niche firms. Also, channel players (VARs and the like). Did you include these in the list of options?

I echo the call for others to publish their data on what customers perceive as influence.

7:46 pm  

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